* Rustic Handwriting Address Template for Avery Labels - Use for Wedding Invitations, Christmas Cards, etc. *
Included with your purchase is:
Address Template for Avery Labels* ** (editable PDF)
Return Address Template for Avery Labels** (editable PDF)
-If you need another format or size, shoot me a message.-
*Address label template is compatible with the following Avery products:
15163, 15563, 15663, 18163, 18663, 18863, 28663, 38363, 38863, 48163, 48263, 48363, 48463, 48863, 5163, 5263, 55163, 55263, 55363, 55463, 5663, 58163, 58263, 5963, 8163, 8253, 8363, 8463, 85563, 8563, 8663, 8923, 95945, 95910, 95523, 6427, 7663
**Return address label template is compatible with the Avery products below. A modified version of the address label (in addition to the return address label) is also compatible with these smaller-sized products.
15160, 15510, 15660, 16460, 18160, 18260, 18660, 28660, 32660, 38260, 45160, 48160, 48260, 48360, 48460, 48860, 48960, 5160, 5260, 55160, 5520, 55260, 55360, 5620, 5630, 5660, 5810, 58160, 58260, 58660, 5960, 6240, 6241, 6970, 75160, 8160, 8250, 8460, 85560, 8620, 8660, 8810, 88560, 8860, 8920, 80509, 8215, 95915, 22837
The process is simple!
For address template:
1 - Open downloaded PDF in Acrobat Reader, which is a free program most likely already on your computer. (If not, a free copy is available from Adobe: https://get.adobe.com/reader/)
2 - Type each of your recipients' addresses. Once the page is full, save as a new file, print on your labels.
3 - Repeat the process for another batch!
For return address template:
1 - Open downloaded PDF in Acrobat Reader, which is a free program most likely already on your computer. (If not, a free copy is available from Adobe: https://get.adobe.com/reader/)
2 - Type return address in any field and watch the rest auto-fill.
3 - Then, you're ready to print on your labels! Print as many copies as you need.
If you're unsure of the process, feel free to ask me for sample PDFs, and I'll send you a watermarked copy for you to test. And I'm always available to answer any questions for you as you go.
Your files will be available to download once payment is confirmed.
Instant Invitation owns the copyright for all listed designs. Products sold are for personal use only and may not be copied, resold or redistributed in any form, in part or in whole.
Most of my designs will look amazing printed from an ordinary home printer. Just be sure to select the better/best print quality option for your printer.
For professional printing, I recommend Prints of Love. They offer high-quality printing and great customer service. When you use my link below, you'll receive free shipping and envelopes: https://printsoflove.com/ref/instantinvitation
Use discount code "INSTANTINVITATION10" at Prints of Love checkout for 10% off your order of $49 or more.
If you purchase a PDF template, access lasts forever. If you purchase a template that's made available through Corjl, you'll have access to the template(s) for 60 days from the point of your purchase -- unless stated otherwise in the listing. However, once you've personalized your template and downloaded PDF/JPGs of your personalized design, those are yours to keep forever.
Sep 16, 2020
Mar 26, 2019
Mar 10, 2019
Although I had some trouble using/editing in Adobe (my fault, not the seller's), this seller was there for every single question and was going above and beyond to walk me through the process and help every step of the way. I couldn't ask for more!! I wish every seller was this on top of things!! A++++
Jan 15, 2019
Really happy with this template. It came with many options for me to pick out of, which was even better. I had a few questions, and Rob responded really quickly. Great customer service!!! This made my envelopes look really nice! Highly recommend!
Nov 29, 2018